The Executive Influence helps small companies work through big challenges

Jeff Chaffin believes that even the best athlete needs coaching to continue to improve. And he applies that analogy to the world of business.
Working from a small office suite in downtown Lansing, Chaffin helps successful business leaders work through big challenges that may be standing in the way of peak performance. It's a calling he's been attracted to throughout his business career. So in early 2014, Chaffin opened the doors to The Executive Influence Coaching and Consulting at 120 N. Washington Square and applied his experience as a certified professional business coach.
"There are certain things that can happen as a company grows, including reaching a point where they encounter roadblocks or get stuck," says Chaffin. "We work with owners who tell us the life they are leading today isn't what they envisioned when they were getting off the ground."
Chaffin says small businesses face issues similar to those of large firms. Sales growth, marketing, recruitment and retention, and succession planning are just a few. And while large companies have access to more resources to address challenges, smaller companies don't have as many to draw on.
That, says Chaffin, is where executive coaches come in.
"We can help smaller businesses get to where they want to be," says Chaffin. "We follow their goals and their priorities. I don't come in telling them what they should do. We work with their vision. And we get results."
Chaffin enjoys consulting with small businesses, as well as with owners and employees. He welcomes the challenge of helping organizations find solutions, fix situations, and stay on the pathway to growth. He meets regularly with about 10 companies on a wide variety of issues. Those companies range in size from five to 600, with revenues from three-quarter of a million up to $50 million.
Chaffin works with two part-time assistants in the 600-square-foot office that includes access to three shared conference rooms. And his goals as a business owner?
"We want to make Lansing our center of operations," he says. "We can grow east, west and south, but I want this to be the hub. I love this area. It's ideal."
Source: Jeff Chaffin, Principal, The Executive Influence Coaching and Consulting
Writer: Ann Kammerer, Development News Editor
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